It's happy hour. But better.
Better than happy hour? Yup. And it's for YOU. You badass boss. You do-it-all-er. You book keeper. Marketing manager. Creative Director. Left AND right brainer. Calculator conquerer. Spreadsheet solver. Invoice inventor. Sales force. Customer Support. Tech talker. Website runner. Yep, YOU. You small business boss, side hustler, big dreamer.
Upcoming events:
Merrier Mastermind, June 16-Aug 4
Work hard. Play Merrier.
Come together, hang out, idea share, celebrate, and support fellow bosses. Eat tasty grub. Fill your glass with bubbles. Or red or white or rosé. We don't judge. Whatever you want. Because listen: small business, side hustles, and seeing concepts come to life is hard to do alone. And you don't have to.
At The Merry Hour™, strong, courageous, and incredible guest speakers share their story and inspire you to keep moving along your path. Fellow dream chasers will be there to cheer you on and inspire you to be your best.
And get this, you even get to pose for beautiful, professional, and authentic headshots. Let your passions shine through an absolutely amazing photo of Y.O.U.
"No Bull Sh*t networking. When does that actually happen?"
— Molly, #mplsmerryhour attendee